The project named “Collaborative AI robots for adaptation of diverse environments and innovation of infrastructure construction,” aims to develop collaborative field robots that can be useful in “natural disaster response.” To achieve this goal, robots must be able to flexibly respond to various situations. In this project, we aim to achieve this goal through a variety of approaches.
The introduction to this project is provided in the section “Overview of CAFE Project,” and I, the project manager, would like to share three things that are important to me in this project.
The first is the basic philosophy of this project. The basic philosophy of this project is “to develop technology that is useful to people.” It is the same basic philosophy that I have always cherished in my robotics research. I do not want to excuse myself from saying, “I completed my research, and it will be practical use if somebody complete other required parts.” in this policy.
The second aspect is the horizontal connection between the researchers and engineers. This project requires interdisciplinary cooperation, and it will not be possible without “civil engineering,” “mechanical engineering,” and “AI.” Therefore, we would like to promote the research and development, where researchers from each field respect each other's field and closely exchange information to strengthen the horizontal collaboration.
The third is a field-oriented approach. In this project, we do not want to artificially create and demonstrate a field where robots can efficiently operate. Instead, we want to develop robots that can operate in actual fields.
The members of this project are very powerful researchers and engineers who are currently active in their respective research fields. I am happy to work with them. Please look forward to our future research.
Keiji Nagatani, Project Manager